Thank you for visiting Carson Valley’s resource page. Stainless steel fabrication and mechanical work may not always be the products and services you are familiar with, therefore, we have complied some resources to help familiarize you.
Stainless Steel Cleaning Instructions
Stainless steel is recognized for its ability to be a clean surface that resists corrosion and rust. Dirt, dust and grime, however, will put stainless steel at risk for corrosion and rust. Luckily, stainless steel responds well to proper cleaning and maintenance. Do not use abrasives on stainless steel since it will affect the factory polish.
Water and a cloth
Routine cleaning can be accomplished by using warm water and a cloth. This is the most reliable option for cleaning stainless steel. Dry with a towel or cloth to prevent water spots. Wipe in the direction of the grain.
Mild detergent and cloth
For more powerful cleaning, mild detergent (like dishwashing soap) and warm water will do a good job without damaging the stainless steel. Make sure you rinse the surface thoroughly to prevent water spotting. We suggest you towel dry to prevent water spots which can be caused by minerals in water.
Glass cleaner for fingerprints
Many people complain about fingerprints on stainless steel, but these can be taken care by using glass cleaner or household ammonia. Rinse thoroughly and towel dry. For more difficult situations, use an oil-based cleaner as described below.
Stainless Steel Cleaners
If you’ve had staining or scratching, or need to polish your stainless steel, an oil-based stainless steel cleaner may be your best option. Some of these cleaners and polishes can help minimize scratching and remove stains. Follow the directions on the stainless steel cleaner and test in an inconspicuous spot.
Glossary of Terms
Alloy: |
A mixture of two or more metals. | |
AWS: |
American Welding Society | |
Ball Valve: |
Opens by turning a handle attached to a ball inside the valve. | |
Breaking: |
A Press Break is used to create a fold or “bend” in metal. The angle of the bend is made according to your project needs. | |
Cutting: |
Plasma – A high temperate electric arc that melts and separates metal. Laser – A narrow beam cut for precise accuracy. Torch – Oxy Acetylene cutting with welding gases to flame. This is a rough cut. | |
Forming: |
Creating curves or bends without cutting or piercing materials. (Often used to create radiused edges) | |
Gauge: |
A measurement that refers to the thickness of a metal. Stainless Steel is measured as follows (approx):
ID: |
Inside Dimension. Measurement of the inside clearance of pipe or part. | |
Notching: |
We can remove small notches or sections from sheet metal with a shear or iron worker. | |
OD: |
Outside dimension. Measurement of the outside of a pipe or part. | |
Polishing: |
Refining the surface of a metal (usually stainless) to create different looks. The most common finishes for stainless steel are: #4 which is a satin brush finish with a fine visible grain (one directional) and #8 which is a highly polished surface almost like chrome. | |
Punching: |
Piercing or penetrating sheet metal with force. Round, Square, or other shapes are possible. | |
Radius: |
A straight line extending from the center of a circle to its edge or from the center of a sphere to its surface. | |
Rolling: |
Forming sheet metal or piping into a curved shape. Usually measured by a portion of a circle. | |
Shearing: |
Cutting sheet metal in a straight line between two dies in a metal shear. | |
Slag: |
Excess metal which has been melted through the welding process. This is the drops, or waste created when welding. We remove this for a smooth finish. | |
Welding: |
Join together pieces or parts of metals by heating them and hammering or using other pressure to make them fuse, or be joined in this way. |
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